Introducing ‘tremendousr’

Tremendous is a platform that “empowers companies to buy, track and manage digital and physical payments.” This package provides a slightly-opinionated R interface for the ‘Tremendous’ API with, dare I say, tremendously intuitive functions for sending rewards and incentives directly from R.

By Jonathan Trattner in R Packages

September 30, 2021

Working with Google Sheets from R

In Google Sheets, a ‘spreadsheet’ is a file containing individual, often related, ‘worksheets’ (tabs). In this post, I briefly cover the distinction between these – and their correlate in Microsoft Excel – as well as highlight how to read/write data stored within or between worksheets. I share my thoughts on which method is better (whichever meets your use-case!) and introduce a utility function, wrapping the R package googlesheets4, for aggregating data from multiple worksheets.

By Jonathan Trattner in R

September 27, 2021

Connecting Shiny with Google Drive & Sheets

An article on how to deploy a shiny application with an authorization token that allows you save data to Google Drive (and Google Sheets). I provide an example with a simple questionnaire made with my package shinysurveys. This process can be adapted for more complex data sets and other storage platforms like Dropbox or

Disclaimer: I am not a security expert, and this method is likely not secure enough for sensitive data such as protected health information.

By Jonathan Trattner in R Shiny

September 25, 2021

shinysurveys v0.2.0

Introducing shinysurveys v0.2.0, which has a lot of new (exciting!) features. Notably, support for custom input (question) types, multi-paged surveys, and automatic response aggregation. For a full list of changes and new features, check out the release notes.

Making a Multi-Paged shinysurvey

In this post, I document a new feature of shinysurveys v0.2.0: multi-paged surveys. Using a question set built-in to shinysurveys, I illustrate how to convert a single paged survey to a multi-paged one. For examples, these can be run with the functions demo_survey() and demo_survey_multipage().