
shinysurveys v0.2.0

Introducing shinysurveys v0.2.0, which has a lot of new (exciting!) features. Notably, support for custom input (question) types, multi-paged surveys, and automatic response aggregation. For a full list of changes and new features, check out the release notes.

Making a Multi-Paged shinysurvey

In this post, I document a new feature of shinysurveys v0.2.0: multi-paged surveys. Using a question set built-in to shinysurveys, I illustrate how to convert a single paged survey to a multi-paged one. For examples, these can be run with the functions demo_survey() and demo_survey_multipage().

Extending shinysurveys with Custom Input Types

A brief blog post documenting a new feature of my package, shinysurveys, allowing users to define custom input types in their surveys. I walk through three examples: sliderInput(), dateInput(), and shinyWidgets::sliderTextInput().


shinysurveys provides easy-to-use, minimalistic code for creating and deploying surveys in R. It extends the shiny package and converts a table of questions into an interactive web-based application. Administering surveys with this package allows users to combine the computational tools of R with the interactivity of web applications. This synergy helps bridge the gap between data collection and data analysis.